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European monetary policy: lessons from the past two decades
The ECB Podcast - The euro: a tale of two decades
Too big to fail: lessons from a decade of financial sector reforms
Lessons for monetary policy from the latest inflationary-disinflationary episode | LSE Event
EU is Shocked by the Fall of the Euro Following the Energy Crisis: Is 2025 Year of Crisis for EU?
European Monetary Union through Decades of Chaos and COVID-19
Making the European Monetary Union
SUERF OeNB - ECB book presentation - 2 decades of ECB monetary policy - 20211126
1 Year In: How is Argentina Doing Under Milei?
Europe's lost decade
Why the U.S. dollar is strongest in two decades compared to the euro
The Real Reason UK Growth Collapsed After 2008 with Tyler Goodspeed | IEA Live